If you have suffered a physical or psychological injury through the course of your work, you may be entitled to receive compensation. To find out more click here.
Work-related Musculoskeletal disorders account for more than 50 per cent of all serious claims in Queensland. (Safe Work Australia) Even where safe work practices are followed, these injuries continue to occur, often sustained through frequent, repetitive or sudden lifting of loads.
“How Much Can I Safely Lift?”
There is no specified ‘safe weight limit’ defined in any regulation or code of practice in Queensland. Instead, the focus is on managing (and minimising) risks.
“Is There A ‘Best Way’ To Lift At Work?”
Unfortunately, there is no ‘best way’ to lift safely. Work Safe Queensland states “Any manual lifting that requires force or static postures or is repetitive contains some risk of injury”.
In essence, the best form of control is to dismiss the need for lifting entirely. Where possible, search for alterative options before conducting a lift.
For example, many nurses and health care workers operate under a ‘no lift policy’, instead using tools designed for lifting. Read more: https://www.creeveyrussell.com.au/post/rights-for-compensation-as-a-nurse-or-aged-care-worker-in-queensland
Minimising Risks
Those in high-risk lines of work (construction workers, farmers etc.) may be more likely to sustain a musculoskeletal disorder or injury than those in other industries. However, the development of musculoskeletal disorders are not limited to those in high-risk lines of work.
As it is a risk that can happen to many, it’s important to be aware of your rights for compensation. If you have developed a musculoskeletal disorder through the course of your work, no matter the industry, you may be entitled to make a claim.
‘Sprains and Strains’ and Musculoskeletal Injury Compensation
If you have suffered a musculoskeletal injury through the course of your work, you may be entitled to claim compensation. If this is the case, you may need to seek legal support.
Find No-Win-No-Fee Personal Injury Lawyers in Brisbane, Toowoomba, Roma Queensland
To find out more about our Personal Injury Lawyers, please follow the link below.
You can arrange a no-obligation consultation with us to discover more information as soon as you are ready. For matters regarding WorkCover and Worker’s Compensation, due to the tight time limits that apply, we recommend you obtain expert advice as soon as possible.