The Consequences of Speeding in Brisbane | Traffic Offences

If caught speeding, it can range from a demerit points loss to a fine. In more serious cases, you can end up with license suspensions and lose your authority to drive on the Queensland roads.
First, let’s get it straight.
Speeding is defined as driving over the signed speed limit, or at a speed that is not appropriate for the driving conditions such as rain, fog, traffic volume/flow.
Speeding is the wrong road to take in life, and it is not a laughing matter.
According to, Speeding is one of the major causes of fatalities on Queensland roads. The fatalities that can occur from speeding are the largest concern, however, there is also many more consequences such as fines, demerit points and more.
All consequences for speeding in Queensland should be considered before you buckle in and start the engine.
The legal complications of speeding
A typical punishment for speeding will include a fine and demerit point loss against your Queensland driver’s license. Understandably, the more severe the speed – the more severe the punishments.
See below Table 1 the Current Penalties for Individuals Caught Speeding:

What happens if you lose your license?
Losing your license can be debilitating for many, making it hard to meet the demands and attend jobs to earn a living. If you’re concerned about the longevity of your career without a license, you may be wanting to consider a “Special Hardship Order”.
Like anything, there are certain circumstances that must be met in order to be eligible for a special hardship license or to qualify for the “Special Hardship Order”. This is an order that allows you to drive (under special conditions) if you have had your drivers licence suspended due to speeding fines and/or demerit points.
Please note, that to make an application for a “Special Hardship Order” – you will need to make an application within 21 days from the date of your license suspension. If you are facing a license suspension due to the accumulation of demerit points or a high-range speeding offence, please call our expert team of lawyers without delay to discuss the possibility of whether you may be eligible to make an application.
“I had excellent service with Creevey Russell Lawyers. All advice was given in clear and easy to understand language, even though they were discussing complex legal issues. They were a godsend during a stressful and trying time of my life.” – Joel
Handling The Consequences
If you’ve chosen to pay the fine, you have 28 days to do so. Otherwise, there is an option to challenge the offence in court. If this is the case – we recommend you seek professional legal representation from an experienced traffic offence law firm.
Speak to Creevey Russell Lawyers, Today for Traffic Offence Legal Advice and Support.
Our experienced traffic offence team can offer guidance through the following traffic offences and areas;
• Unlicensed Driving, Suspension and Disqualified Driving Offences
• Work license applications
• Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and careless driving
• Drink driving and drug driving offences
• Work license applications
• Special hardship license applications
• Application to remove license disqualification
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